R.P helps us to sustain strong, happy communities by actively developing good relationships, by preventing conflict and by resolving conflict in a healthy manner when it does arise. In St. Mark’s we consciously work at developing and maintaining good relationships. We have high expectations of each other and we give each other high levels of support to meeting our expectations.
R.P. is both a philosophy and a set of skills.The Philosophy of Restorative Practice is rooted in respect for human beings and recognition of the importance of good relationships between people for human well-being and development. The understanding is that relationships can and should be restored when they have been harmed by conflict or wrongdoing.

Key R.P. Skills are the ability to listen and to develop empathy between people, fairness, problem-solving and conflict resolution.
"Restorative Practice is a way of being"

Emotional Language
We learn to develop our emotional language.

Problem Solving:
We use Restorative Questions to help us solve problems when there is a conflict.