Match Report Boys GAA: St.Mark’s S.N.S. vs Scoil Treasa Firhouse

Match Report Boys GAA: St.Mark’s S.N.S. vs Scoil Treasa Firhouse

My name is Callum and here is my latest school GAA match report. Last Thursday we faced very tough opponents, Scoil Treasa from Firhouse. Having played them before, I knew what to expect and that we needed to be on our game. During our team talk before the match, Mr.Hegarty and Mr. Faughey told us to go out and try our best! When we got onto the pitch, the réiteoir called for the team captains and I was very happy when Mr.Hegarty picked me as captain again. The game got underway and despite the rain, both teams played some really good football. There were some really good goals and points scored during the match. When the match was over, the rèiteoir declared a draw which I think was a fair result considering both teams were evenly matched!

By: Callum Byrne, 6th Class, Room 19

St. Mark's S.N.S.
Maplewood Road
Dublin 24

01 451 3138

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